Online reputation management by SEO Deutschland
The first impression decides
Online Reputation Management of SEO Germany deals with the following questions:
Who am I?
How does my person appear on the net?
Have you ever asked yourself these questions?
While the first of the two questions can still be clarified philosophically, you can simply google your name to answer the second question.
Incidentally, more than 30 percent of hiring managers do that in a new application. You enter the name of the applicant on Google and try to get a picture of the person (who am I?).
Your contact person
How your person is represented on the Internet can have a significant impact on your prospects of success over a new job.
Not only companies and brand names are exposed to a variety of threats on the Internet. Even private individuals can quickly become victims. Small youthful sins, a misrepresented opinion or the revenge of a relationship partner, are just a few reasons that can lead to a false impression of you. In addition to targeted campaigns to damage the reputation, unfortunately, some negative entries can do more harm than hundreds of positive before.
Protecting Online Reputation
The online reputation management of SEO Deutschland takes over the monitoring of your online reputation for you and also advises you in case of offenses also competently about the further course of action. Our way of working includes the regular monitoring of all relevant pages with our own tools to ensure a fast reaction time. Core of the monitoring forms a pool of terms (brand names, company employees, etc.) for which we constantly evaluate the results.
This approach allows a timely controlling to handle events quickly and thus to minimize the damage. Only in rare cases, the expensive consultation of a lawyer is necessary. Sometimes a call is enough in the right place and the entries are deleted. Unfortunately, it is usually not enough. The internet forgives your little sins, but it does not forget you!
As a search engine optimizer, we traditionally look at your problem from a different perspective. This time, it’s not just a keyword or a webpage, but a name and posts to a person we either sponsor or displace.
Do not leave your first impression to the people on the Internet to coincidence, rather rely on the online reputation management of SEO Deutschland.
SEO Deutschland – The creative SEO agency