At the beginnen
A link is a link
When I started search engine optimization years ago, for a friend who ran an online cell phone shop, the motto was a link is a link. Like obsessed we hit our ears over the nights and produced one link after the other.
Your contact person

executive director
Of course, we did not limit ourselves to the numerous existing and still guaranteed by Google indexed web catalogs.
No, countless blogs we provided with comments and the appropriate anchor text (mobile phone, Nokia, etc.) as a name.
At this point once again the apology to all blog operators that I then unknown abused …
I was young and needed the money.
Nowadays, such a procedure is not only considered banal, but most bloggers treat such comments nowadays as spam (rightly so!) And do not publish the comment in question. On the other hand, most operators have begun to use the nofollow attribute generously in their comment section, which of course significantly minimizes the impact of the measures.
I think one of the main reasons why I enjoy working as a SEO is the appeal of the new. Again and again new projects that you realize, websites with different topics you care about, new methods you try, systems you install, partnerships you acquire and and and.
Creativity is the motto and experience is the base, so do not be shy to sift through the Web for links. Be creative and you will not only see money is the only means to get the coveted links.